ready to overhaul your private practice & streamline your systems?

say "hello" to

customized support

and "goodbye to"

a Private Practice that’s driven by


those "small"* tasks you keep ignoring are creating huge overwhelm

(let’s get them done with a VIP day*)

*a day where we create or revamp a system in your Private Practice, together. Perfect if you’ve got a whole long to-do list and you’re ready to knock out a big task with the help of someone who gets it.


"Liz helped me streamline and improve my existing systems… Updating my systems with Liz significantly reduced the time I was spending on paperwork and the administration side of private practice every week."

- Dr. Annette Athy


"Liz helped me streamline and improve my existing systems… Updating my systems with Liz significantly reduced the time I was spending on paperwork and the administration side of private practice every week."

- Dr. Annette Athy

How many do you relate to?

  • Frazzled and overwhelmed.
  • Stuck in the never-ending cycle of overwhelm that leads to “freeze.”
  • Behind on notes, emails, phone calls, and/or billing.
  • Ashamed that your colleagues don’t seem to have the same difficulties as you.
  • Constantly losing important papers, missing deadlines, or feeling like you forgot to do something.
  • Feel like you’re operating your practice out of a crisis.
  • The chaos of running a practice is interfering with your personal life & clinical work.
  • You need help simplifying and keeping up with technology.

If you checked more than 3, no shame.

That’s why I created this VIP Day.

As Highly Sensitive Therapists...

What works for most therapists doesn't work for us.

  • We're deep processors,
  • Overstimulated by our environment
  • Totally overwhelmed when we get behind
  • and need gentle & individualized support to learn how to run our business on AUTOPILOT.

Here's what I want for you!

A strong organizational foundation of your practice is essential... and I can help you get there with:


Streamlined systems that save time, money, & energy your practice can run on autopilot.


Customized processes created for your HSP or neurodivergent brain

...because 1 size does NOT fit all.


A new relationship with your business

... to bring the joy back to your practice!

I'm Liz, and I'm a Highly Sensitive Therapist just like you. I've been through my fair share of trauma and transitions, from concussions at work to a "big-T trauma" during grad school to moving across the country twice in under 1 year.

There was not a clear path for healing, just like there isn't a clear path for running a business.

One of the main ways I've been able to keep going- even through the tough situations- is my SYSTEMS.

Since starting Organize and Thrive in 2018, I've thoughtfully taken the best ingredients of a good therapist, supervisor, consultant, business coach, and mentor… plus everything I know about creating and maintaining systems… mixed them all together... and embodied my role as a Mindset + Systems Clini-Coach® for overwhelmed therapists.

Your time & energy are limited and valuable.

That's why you need organization, processes, & systems that are customized for YOU!


I met with Liz and with her skill and guidance, we developed streamlined systems of tracking, tailored to the specific needs of my job, where everything could be parked and accounted for. I am left feeling relaxed, in control and at the top of my game which is the polar opposite of where I was prior to meeting with her.

Liz is a pro and will make the way easier and simpler. I hope you reach out to her if you need help. You'll be happy you did. She's great & a gem to work with!

- Irene DiNublia, LMSW | Phoenix, AZ

What a difference, what a freedom!

What a difference, what a freedom!

What can we do in 1 day?

the options are endless!

Here are a few examples:

Perform a detailed


to identify any “cracks in your systems” and fill them in together.

Update your


to reduce time on the phone, emailing, & searching for documents to onboard new clients!

Organize your


so you stop wasting time looking for unnamed files or that doctor's note that got buried with your client documentation.

Create a policies & procedures


to reduce time wasted on the phone, emailing, & searching for everything you need to onboard new clients!

Restructure your


to look at your current schedule, create an ideal schedule based on your wants & needs, and create a plan for implementation.

Create a customized


that flows with your business, gives you data to make decisions, and helps keep you on-task and accountable with your business tasks.

I will be with you


find order

amidst the chaos

free up

time & mental space


simple systems

I will be with you


find order

amidst the chaos

free up

time & mental space


simple systems

that are customized for you!

that are customized for you!

Here’s how the VIP Day looks:

1. CLARIFY your goals

  • Fill out an application (click the button below). Your answers will help me learn more about you, your business, and what type of support you are looking for.

  • I'll also answer any questions you have for me. It needs to be a good fit both ways! We can either email, message over FB or Voxer, or hop on a quick Zoom call.

  • If a VIP day is the right fit, I’ll send over a contract, invoice, & initial questionnaire with some pre-work. (Payment plans available!)

2. CUSTOMIZE a plan


  • We’ll review your questionnaire & pre-work and create a customized roadmap for our VIP Day.

  • Depending on your learning style, we may create a prioritized to-do list or a business mind map together.

3. CREATE a system

VIP Day (3 hours)

  • Your VIP Day is here! This is the fun part!

  • During this 3-hour session, I will (virtually) hold your hand to create or update a system of your choice.

  • Don't worry- we'll take plenty of breaks and have fun. The time truly flies!


Follow-up (1 hour)

email/voxer support (30 days)

  • You did it!! We'll have a follow-up session 1-2 weeks after the VIP day to make any necessary tweaks to your system.

  • You’ll have 30 days of email + voxer support for anything related to our vip day.

  • If you're looking for ongoing support, I offer packages that includes an additional 8 or 20 individual coaching hours!


Follow-up (1 hour)

email/voxer support (30 days)

  • You did it!! We'll have a follow-up session 1-2 weeks after the VIP day to make any necessary tweaks to your system.

  • You’ll have 30 days of email + voxer support for anything related to our vip day.

  • If you're looking for ongoing support, I offer packages that includes an additional 8 or 20 individual coaching hours!

The goodies!

Everything that's included with your VIP Day:

1:1 sessions with liz

- 1 hour planning session

- 3 hour VIP Day

- 1 hour follow up

Plus... 8 or 20 hours of 1:1 coaching

if you upgrade to a package!

mindset workbook

I’ll create a workbook just for YOU depending on your learning style and goals! This will help you identify and work through your internal & external barriers.

customized system

1 size does not fit all! We'll create a system based on your needs (i.e. a customized client tracker, handbook of your policies, or update your schedule).


Helpful worksheets, trackers, & training videos to guide you in your goals. Plus, detailed notes to keep forever, as well as recordings of our sessions (if requested).


Questions about the system we created? Feeling stuck? After our VIP Day, you'll get 30 days of email & voxer support! Plus... 3 or 6 months of support if you upgrade.


Access to the exclusive VIP Lab, a group program (only offered to my coaching clients) with weekly coworking groups, coaching, and a private FB group for extra support!

Systems can be hard to start, prioritize, and implement properly when you don’t have the time, the tools, or the emotional bandwidth.

The goodies!

Everything that's included with your VIP Day:

1:1 sessions with liz

  • 1 hour planning session
  • 3 hour VIP day
  • 1 hour follow up session

Plus... 8 or 20 hours of 1:1 coaching if you upgrade to a package!

mindset workbook

I’ll create a workbook just for YOU depending on your learning style and goals! This will help you identify and work through your internal & external barriers.

customized system

1 size does not fit all! We'll create a system based on your needs (i.e. a customized client tracker, handbook of your policies, or update your schedule).


Helpful worksheets, trackers, & training videos to guide you in your goals. Plus, detailed notes to keep forever, as well as recordings of our sessions (if requested).


Questions about the system we created? Feeling stuck? After our VIP Day, you'll get 30 days of email & voxer support! Plus... 3 or 6 months of support if you upgrade.


Access to the exclusive VIP Lab, a group program (only offered to my coaching clients) with weekly coworking groups, coaching, and a private FB group for extra support!

Systems can be hard to start, prioritize, and implement properly when you don’t have the time, the tools, or the emotional bandwidth.


[vip day] +

30 days of support


Paid in 1 or 2 installments

🗓️ 1-hour planning session

🗓️ 3-hour VIP Day

🗓️ 1-hour follow-up session

📩 1 month email + Voxer support

💜 1 month of group VIP Lab

(value = $139)

📕Mindset workbook

📊Videos, forms, & spreadsheets

based on your needs


systems [package]


Paid in 1 or 3 installments

🗓️ 1-hour planning session

🗓️ 3-hour VIP Day

🗓️ 8 additional coaching hours

📩 3 months email + Voxer support

💜 2 months of group VIP Lab

(value = $278)

📕Customized mindset workbook

📊 Videos, forms, & spreadsheets based on your needs

📝Weekly check-in form

🎁Welcome gift

total reset



Paid in 3 or 6 installments

🗓️ 1-hour planning session

🗓️ 3-hour VIP Day

🗓️ 20 additional coaching hours

📩 6 months email + Voxer support

💜3 months of group VIP Lab

(value = $497)

📕 Customized mindset workbook

📊 Videos, forms, & spreadsheets

based on your needs

📝Weekly check-in form

🎁Welcome gift

Not sure if a VIP Day is for you?


  • You have a solo Private Practice and feel overwhelmed by all the business & administrative tasks.

  • You are looking for “done WITH you” support- not just someone to do it for you.

  • You are ready for 1:1 sensitive and individualized support from a fellow therapist + business owner who “gets it.”


  • You’re thinking about Private Practice but haven’t yet made the leap.

  • You want someone to set up your systems for you- not with you.

  • You’re not willing to invest in your business or don’t see the value of coaching.


what other therapists are saying about working with liz...

“Liz is the organizational QUEEN. You can’t help but better your practice and your life with her intuitive knowledge of organization, systems, & human behavior. She’s an authentic and generous organizational bad-ass that’s ready to turn your life from HOT MESS to HOT SHIT!”

- Arianna Smith, MA, LPC

"Liz has been a wonderful resource and treasure as I build and organize my therapy practice. Her keen ability to understand not just what therapists need but also what a business needs is invaluable to anyone with a therapy practice."

- Andrea Lindemann, LCSW, RPT

"Before I met Liz, I felt overwhelmed and stuck. She gave me the inspiration to conquer my mess with the help of her webinars, organization challenges, and strategies."

- Laura Martorano, MA, LPC/MHSP, RPT

Liz helped me overhaul my therapy practice systems with compassion and non-judgment. I made so much progress in just a few hours and have been able to sustain those changes. Thanks Liz!

Lindsay B.


what other therapists are saying about working with liz...

“Liz is the organizational QUEEN. You can’t help but better your practice and your life with her intuitive knowledge of organization, systems, & human behavior. She’s an authentic and generous organizational bad-ass that’s ready to turn your life from HOT MESS to HOT SHIT!”

- Arianna Smith, MA, LPC

"Liz has been a wonderful resource and treasure as I build and organize my therapy practice. Her keen ability to understand not just what therapists need but also what a business needs is invaluable to anyone with a therapy practice."

- Andrea Lindemann, LCSW, RPT

"Before I met Liz, I felt overwhelmed and stuck. She gave me the inspiration to conquer my mess with the help of her webinars, organization challenges, and strategies."

- Laura Martorano, MA, LPC/MHSP, RPT

Liz helped me overhaul my therapy practice systems with compassion and non-judgment. I made so much progress in just a few hours and have been able to sustain those changes. Thanks Liz!

- Lindsay B.



I’ll help you create organizational systems that are customized for your individual personality, learning style, and unique business to save you tons of TIME, in the short and long-run.


Let's lean into your sensitivity and make small tweaks to your practice that fit YOU (rather than you always trying to pretzel yourself into someone else's schedule or expectations).


There’s a reason you’re a therapist (a great one, at that)! Let’s bring back the joy of your work with clients and remember why you started a Private Practice in the first place. It doesn't need to feel so hard!

On the fence? Unanswered questions?

Click the text bubble below or schedule a complimentary Clarity Call!