90-Minute Quick Fix Consultation

Hey, Sensitive Therapist.

You love being a clinician, but feel overwhelmed as a business owner.

Actually, "overwhelmed" is putting it nicely. Your private practice has taken over your life and you're not sure whether to laugh, cry, close down your practice, or run away to an isolated island and sell t-shirts for a living.

who knew that being a sensitive business owner meant...

  • Spending 10 hours/week playing phone & email tag...

  • Wearing 10,000 hats as CEO...

  • Not actually knowing if you're making or losing money in your business...

  • Feeling so much shame & guilt for being weeks or months behind on progress notes.


"Liz helped me streamline and improve my existing systems… Updating my systems with Liz significantly reduced the time I was spending on paperwork and the administration side of private practice every week."

- Dr. Annette Athy


"Liz helped me streamline and improve my existing systems… Updating my systems with Liz significantly reduced the time I was spending on paperwork and the administration side of private practice every week."

- Dr. Annette Athy

Maybe you've had some of these thoughts...

  • I'm so ashamed my non-sensitive colleagues don’t seem to have the same difficulties as me.

  • I'm constantly losing important papers, missing deadlines, or feeling like I forgot to do something.

  • The chaos of running a practice is interfering with my personal life & clinical work.

"I feel like I'm operating my practice out of a CRISIS!"

I'm Liz, and I'm a Highly Sensitive Therapist. I've been through my fair share of trauma and transitions, from concussions at work to a "big-T trauma" during grad school to moving across the country twice in under 1 year.

There was not a clear path for healing, just like there isn't a clear path for running a business.

One of the main ways I've been able to keep going- even through the tough situations- is my SYSTEMS.

Since starting Organize and Thrive in 2018, I've thoughtfully taken the best ingredients of a good therapist, supervisor, consultant, business coach, and mentor… plus everything I know about creating and maintaining systems… mixed them all together... and embodied my role as a Mindset + Systems Clini-Coach® for overwhelmed therapists.

I'm ready to combine all my skills to help YOU make quick change in your business while feeling supported by someone who gets it!

What can we do during a 90-min Quick Fix Consult?

option 1:

Make your schedule work for YOU.

Create your perfect workweek framework.

Option 2:

Feel confident in your role as CEO.

Create a systems mindmap.

Option 3:

Stay on top of documentation.

customize a client tracker.

Choose your adventure:

do you prefer option 1, 2, or 3?

Video 1 : Current & Ideal Schedule

[option 1]

Create your perfect workweek framework

  • The problem: You're exhausted and feel trapped in your schedule. You're drained every day & week (bending boundaries, working more hours/ times that aren't ideal) and starting to resent your clients.

  • The solution: Take control of your schedule and feel confident setting & maintaining boundaries.

  • What we'll create: You'll walk away with your "Perfect Workweek Framework." We'll adjust your current schedule to create the ideal schedule for you!

[option 2]

Create a systems mindmap

  • The problem: Your systems are inefficient & you're burnt out. You know there are gaps in your biz and ways to do things more efficiently, but have no idea what they are, where to start, or who and what might help!

  • The solution: Take back control of your business, see what's working and what's not working, and make informed decisions based on this information.

  • What we'll create: We'll create a
    mind map of your systems & processes. This will show us what's working in your business as well as where the gaps are.

Video 2: Private Practice mindmap

video 3: Customized Notes Tracker

[option 3]

customize your client tracker

  • The problem: Shame & burnout. You feel so embarrassed and ashamed of being behind on admin tasks, billing, & clinical documentation. This is impacting your clinical work, business, & relationships.

  • The solution: First of all, let's give you some compassion for being so overwhelmed. You need a simple system to get caught up on your tasks and documentation.

  • What we'll create: A customized client tracker to make sure you're up-t0-date on notes, billing, being paid by insurance & clients, and anything else you want to track!

Choose your adventure:

do you prefer option 1, 2, or 3?

Create your perfect workweek framework

  • The problem: You're exhausted and feel trapped in your schedule. You're drained every day & week (bending boundaries, working more hours/ times that aren't ideal) and starting to resent your clients.

  • The solution: Take control of your schedule and feel confident setting & maintaining boundaries.

  • What we'll create: You'll walk away with your "Perfect Workweek Framework." We'll adjust your current schedule to create the ideal schedule for you!

Create a systems mindmap

  • The problem: Your systems are inefficient & you're burnt out. You know there are gaps in your biz and ways to do things more efficiently, but have no idea what they are, where to start, or who and what might help!

  • The solution: Take back control of your business, see what's working and what's not working, and make informed decisions based on this information.

  • What we'll create: We'll create a
    mind map of your systems & processes. This will show us what's working in your business as well as where the gaps are.

[option 3]

customize your client tracker

  • The problem: Shame & burnout. You feel so embarrassed and ashamed of being behind on admin tasks, billing, & clinical documentation. This is impacting your clinical work, business, & relationships.

  • The solution: First of all, let's give you some compassion for being so overwhelmed. You need a simple system to get caught up on your tasks and documentation.

  • What we'll create: A customized client tracker to make sure you're up-t0-date on notes, billing, being paid by insurance & clients, and anything else you want to track!

The goodies!

Everything that's included in your 90-min consult:


I'll send you a form to complete ahead of time to learn about you, your clients, & your business. This will allow us to spend the entire 90-minutes creating your new system!

90-min session w/liz

We will meet on zoom and create either a) your perfect workweek framework, b) your business mindmap, or c) a customized client tracker!


Helpful worksheets, trackers, & training videos to guide you in your goals. Plus, detailed notes to keep forever, as well as a recording of our sessions (if requested).

Systems can be hard to start, prioritize, and implement properly when you don’t have the time, the tools, or the emotional bandwidth.


what other therapists are saying about working with liz...

“Liz is the organizational QUEEN. You can’t help but better your practice and your life with her intuitive knowledge of organization, systems, & human behavior. She’s an authentic and generous organizational bad-ass that’s ready to turn your life from HOT MESS to HOT SHIT!”

- Arianna Smith, MA, LPC

"Liz has been a wonderful resource and treasure as I build and organize my therapy practice. Her keen ability to understand not just what therapists need but also what a business needs is invaluable to anyone with a therapy practice."

- Andrea Lindemann, LCSW, RPT

"Before I met Liz, I felt overwhelmed and stuck. She gave me the inspiration to conquer my mess with the help of her webinars, organization challenges, and strategies."

- Laura Martorano, MA, LPC/MHSP, RPT

Liz helped me overhaul my therapy practice systems with compassion and non-judgment. I made so much progress in just a few hours and have been able to sustain those changes. Thanks Liz!

Lindsay B.


what other therapists are saying about working with liz...

“Liz is the organizational QUEEN. You can’t help but better your practice and your life with her intuitive knowledge of organization, systems, & human behavior. She’s an authentic and generous organizational bad-ass that’s ready to turn your life from HOT MESS to HOT SHIT!”

- Arianna Smith, MA, LPC

"Liz has been a wonderful resource and treasure as I build and organize my therapy practice. Her keen ability to understand not just what therapists need but also what a business needs is invaluable to anyone with a therapy practice."

- Andrea Lindemann, LCSW, RPT

"Before I met Liz, I felt overwhelmed and stuck. She gave me the inspiration to conquer my mess with the help of her webinars, organization challenges, and strategies."

- Laura Martorano, MA, LPC/MHSP, RPT

Liz helped me overhaul my therapy practice systems with compassion and non-judgment. I made so much progress in just a few hours and have been able to sustain those changes. Thanks Liz!

- Lindsay B.

On the fence? Unanswered questions?

Click the text bubble below or schedule a complimentary Clarity Call!

How much does the "Quick Fix Consult" cost?

A 90 minute consult is $300.

How are you qualified to help me?

I'm glad you asked! As a LCSW who has worked in [pretty much] every setting imaginable- including Private Practice- I understand the intricacies and nuances of running a business as a therapist.

Plus, I've been nicknamed the "Organization Queen" by my colleagues and love helping therapists streamline their businesses!

What can we accomplish in just 90 minutes?

I'll have you fill out a survey before we meet so I can gather information about your business. During the consult, we will either create a) your perfect workweek framework, b) business mindmap, or c) a customized client tracker!

I don't know if I want option 1, 2, or 3. Help!

No worries! Just choose any 1 when you schedule the consult, and make sure to write in the comments that you're unsure which option you'd like. The more info you provide, the more I'll be able to help you decide where to start.

What's included in the 90-min consult?

You'll receive a questionnaire to complete before the consult, then we will spend the entire 90 minutes creating your customized schedule, mindmap, or client tracker. You will "own" the creation in your own google drive and have access forever!

Can you help me streamline other systems?

For this quick-fix consult, we'll focus on 1 of the systems mentioned above. However, if you would like help streamlining other systems or organizing your business from the inside out, click below to learn more about a VIP Day!

>> https://organize-and-thrive.com/vipday